9 Real Thoughts, 1 Week Postpartum

I don’t think I need to go into detail about what a convoluted experience it is to have a baby. I think trying to explain the emotional part of it is something I would be terrible at. Instead, I wrote down some real thoughts that either traveled through my real brain or really came out … Continue reading 9 Real Thoughts, 1 Week Postpartum

With and Without You

There is a phrase that I see every once in a while, regarding one’s significant other. “I can’t remember what life was like without you,” or “I can’t imagine life without you.” Or something similar. You know what I mean. While I find those things cryptically sweet, I’ve realized I really don’t hold those same … Continue reading With and Without You


Today was one of the days in which I checked several (okay, four) things off my to do list and then couldn’t quite get myself to keep going. Or maybe I didn’t want to keep going and so I told myself that four lines on the list was plenty to justify telling people I had … Continue reading Get-upped-ness

Strawberry Days

Maybe it’s because strawberries are our favorite fruit. Maybe it’s because you can’t beat that mountain view. And maybe it’s because it’s on our “where we fell in love” list. Or maybe we’re too lazy to find a new rodeo. Whatever it is, we haven’t missed Strawberry days since we’ve been together and now we’ll … Continue reading Strawberry Days

O, Winter

O, Winter!  You are a beast that I cannot tame.  Your seething, icy jaws  threaten my joy But your beauty seduces even the warmest heart. I wish for the pause  of your wretched wrath.  I wait for a bloom or a clear, dry path. This is a poem I wrote so that I didn’t have … Continue reading O, Winter